Business Consulting

Businesses worldwide are facing constant challenges as they try to navigate the wide range of risks involved in complex global markets.

With an increase and focused shift in economic diversification and growth, comes the need for both the public and private sector to be well versed with such changes, whilst navigating any challenges, leveraging the growth opportunities and mitigating the risks which they may be exposed to.

Our business consulting team is focused on delivering performance enhancing services which will support businesses through the changing environment.  We have a specialist team of

local and internationally experienced advisors who have worked on transforming dynamic businesses.

The fundamental elements which drive organisational development include performance enhancement and people development.

As dynamic organisations grow in market presence and prominence, so does their need to continue improving performance and its people strategy.  Our team of business consultants have worked with growth-oriented businesses to drive change whilst optimizing cost.  Our services include:

Innovation strategy development: The world economy is becoming volatile and challenging times add to the complexity, risk and implications to every strategic decision. Under such conditions, sound strategic consulting becomes a critical factor to develop, defend and sustain competitive advantage. We will help you innovate new products, services, processes and business models to remain effective and relevant in an ever changing market.

Shared service centre set-up (outsourcing & off-shoring): Cost optimisation is a performance improvement approach that enables an immediate and sustainable cost reduction. Our teams are well-versed with developing outsourced and off-shore shared service center’s which reduce cost and improve efficiency.

Supply chain enhancement: Grant Thornton helps you link the way you deal with suppliers and customers to business objectives. We will aid your business to set goals, whilst helping define key components of the strategy such as new processes, behaviors, skills, measures and information requirements.  Additionally, we educate your organisation on the latest supply chain management concepts which are available.

Business case development: Project management is naturally complicated, but it can be devastating if you do not have sufficient support from stakeholders or a well-constructed supporting business case. Writing a robust and compelling business case can secure value-driven benefits. Our team will help you develop a sturdy case to convince project stakeholders. 

Succession planning: Our succession planning and management services involves an integrated, systematic approach to identifying, developing and retaining employees in line with the current and projected business objectives.

Personnel development:  Our services have been developed to meet the changing needs of our clients in this fast changing global economy, where the performance of people is such a decisive factor to success. We will help you mobilise hidden talent to achieve your strategic objectives.