Our insolvency team derives its efficiency from the expertise of its partners and managers. In complex insolvency cases, we work in collaboration with reputable legal firms locally and globally.

We have undertaken assignments, both complex and routine across a range of industry sectors in Mauritius and internationally.

Recovery & Reorganisation include also the following services:

Independent Business Reviews (IBRs) & strategic performance reviews

IBR is a process in which a creditor (usually a bank), requests an independent accountant to review the business of one of its customers and report its findings to the bank. It is usually prompted when the bank has concerns about the customer’s business, which may relate to profitability, management or operations.  The trigger point is often a request for additional funding, or the business exceeding its overdraft level. It may also be the case that the bank is unable to obtain any reliable information from its customers, and it has to use an IBR to establish the true situation. The process should be tripartite, with the investigating accountant acting as a bridge between the bank and its customer. The review team will undertake the scope of work agreed by the business and the bank, which is likely to involve:

  • Assessing short-term cash flow
  • Reviewing financial forecasts in light of past performance
  • Considering the underlying viability of the business
  • Assessing management ( in some cases)

Accelerated M&A (AMA)

AMA refers to the initiation and execution of the disposal of a company under some form of stress (and hence conducted in a shorter timeframe than a more typical disposal transaction). We apply a tailored methodology and fully projects manage and implement the sale or closure of underperforming or non-core corporate entities at maximum value.

We provide advice and manage transactions associated with the acquisition or disposal of distressed assets or businesses.

Debt advisory

We provide specialist advice on the raising and refinancing of debt. Through our deep understanding of the funding landscape and detailed knowledge of the credit process, we devise tailored funding solutions as part of a sustainable capital structure in line with the strategic ambition of our clients.